Thursday, 19 April 2012


This blog will mainly tie around travelling, and seeing how I am not travelling again until June, I thought I would share with you a little holiday my friend Jacinta took...

Jacinta (cheds) has been currently living in New York since November 2011, and she won't be returning to the shores of Australia until roughly that time this year.

Whilst she has been in New York she has also stopped in at Phillidelphia, Toronto and most recently Cancun.
(Just quietly she will also be meeting Chanel and I in Hawaii in June - ahhh)

The photos of this place are incredible.

Looks like paradise.

I will give you a brief history of me and cheds:
  • We met at CCdie back in 2008 and hit off when we met in the printroom talking about the Parklife lineup.
  • We shared a love of food, Sex and the City and travelling.
  • We both escaped the death trap which was CCdie, but stayed in touch
  • Since then we have shared numerous nights out, nights in and even an international holiday together.
  • I love her alot!
I cant wait to see her again in June, and then again in October/November for her 24th in Vegas and Thanksgiving.

Check out her blog here: Get Your O Face On


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