Friday, 6 April 2012

Things That Make Me Happy

Ok so this kind of thing interests me, things people like/find interesting etc, so Ive decided to give you a brief, incomplete list of 'Things That Make Me Happy'.
I say incomplete because I havent done everything yet and I may have more to add in the next few years/months/days!
For some of you, you probably don't really care what I like, others probably already know, and for those who accidentally stumbled upon this blog....well get ready.

I love my family. I love how awkward and kooky they are, and I love how they make me feel loved.

My friends. I have the greatest ones. Im not even going to try and debate that with you.

I love when its been raining for days, and you get that one random sunny day!

Kombi vans. They will always be my favourite car. I mean look at them. Whats not to love?

My little puppy, and even though he is super old, he will still stand up and come greet me at the gate...if he hears me come in that is

Laughing at someones laugh, which just ends in them laughing at your laugh, and your just in a fit on the floor laughing about laughs.

I love travelling. I love how awkward and uncomfortable it can make you, and I love how it is full of surprises. Nothing is ever as it seems.

I love being half asleep and having someone kiss me softly

I love sitting on my roof with my brother looking at the stars, and either having an intense conversation, or just quoting Arj Barker.

Starting every week with the idea of 'eating healthier' then looking in your fridge and starting the day with some chocolate and left over chinese.

Left over Chinese. Case Closed

Old couples that still love each other.

Being in love in general. A duhhh....

Being in love with your best friend, someone you can just nap with.

The beach. Anytime of the year. The beach is for always.

Hammocks. If they didn't give you banana spine, I would sleep in one everynight.

Nature. Landscapes that literally take your breath away. An image you will immortilize in your memory forever.

People who follow their hearts. Its the scariest thing to do, and if you can, I salute you.

Hats. Im talking beanies, caps, berets, wide brim. All of the above I love.
Also headbands/bandanas. Im borderline obsessed.

Making a cd mix that you hope no one ever accidentally listens to because it is full of all the songs you hate to love

Sunsets. Best way to signify the end of a day.

People looking out for other people

Having that go to person, that you can tell anything to and know they are listening 100% and judging you maybe only 5% haha

Knowing you can do anything, and if it doesn't work, you can just do something else...

Wow well that was suppose to be a brief, incomplete list of things that make me happy.
I apologise for keeping you so long...


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