Saturday, 21 July 2012


I have only got 10 more days in Vancouver.
I am actually so sad about this.
I could easily make Vancouver one of the places I call home.
When I was here in January and February, my head and heart weren't in the best place, and even though I was having fun and loving the new scenery, I was desperate to go home and find some normality to put back into my life.

As soon as I was home though, I wanted out again, hence this next holiday.
Don't get me wrong, I love Australia, and I do really love Perth.
It is my home town. I will never bad mouth it as it has always done right by me.
All my family, friends and most of memories live in Perth.
Its not for everyone, but that's fine. People like/need different things.
I think I am at the stage of my life though where I need to go out and find other homes.

Vancouver in a sense is very similiar to Perth.
Pretty easy going, and the people are pretty similiar.
I have met some of the nicest people on both my trips to Vancouver, and for that I am grateful.
I will stay in touch with them for the rest of my life, and I hope to visit them soon and have them come to my home aswell!

On the plus side to leaving Vancouver, I am also only 10 days away from moving on to Indonesia for 20 days.
I am really excited about!
Places like that, that have both jungle and beach, are my kind of places.
Im not much of a big city kind of person.
I much prefer being amazed by a natural landscape, as opposed to things man made.
I dunno, maybe Im just weird.

Back to the point...
I am sad to be leaving Vancouver, but am excited to go on to the next country and then also home to see the people I love.
And my dog.
I miss him too much.

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard


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