Monday, 16 July 2012

Goodbye Hostel!

Last night in the hostel.
I have now officially been in here for 20 days.
Probably 15 days too many haha.

What I have learnt while living in a dorm:
  1. Claim a corner and make sure its a good one
  2. Everyone has a story. Take a second to listen
  3. People moving on love to give you things they cant be bothered taking with them eg. shampoo, clothes, perfume etc.
  4. When there is 4 people living in a tiny dorm...its gonna get really hot
  5. No matter how quiet you try to be, 50% of the time your going to be loud and wake someone up. Chances double if your drunk.
  6. Sometimes you are lucky enough to live with people who really dont care if your not wearing pants.
  7. Remember your key when you leave your room!
  8. Communal kitchens are fine, until people start eating your food
  9. Sometimes all you want to do is come home to an empty dorm.
  10. And sometimes when that happens, all you want is for someone to move in
I am moving into my mates place East of where I am now. I wont be super close to the beach anymore, but I am closer to all my friends

Thanks Hi Hostel.
You've been great!
Until next time

I would recommend anyone travelling to Vancouver to stay at the Hi Downtown.
Right near the beach and close to all the cool things.

 Hi Hostel Downtown

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