I realise I am back tracking a little, but I completley forgot to put photos up from our visit to Pearl Harbour when we were in Hawaii.
I lost the camera that had all my photos on it, so I have stolen these photos from Jacinta.
We were lucky enough to meet with Veteran Herb Weatherwax. Such a nice old man.
Above is a little summary we found on him while we were going through the mueseum.
We explored one of the subs, watched a documentary on the war, and visited the USS Arizona memorial.
Below, a quick history on the USS Arizona (as found on their website)
At 8:06 a.m. on December 7th, 1941, the USS Arizona was hit by a 1,760-pound armor-piercing bomb, which ignited its forward ammunition magazine. The catastrophic explosion that resulted sank this massive battleship in nine minutes, killing 1,177 crewmen.
We took a boat out to the memorial, where you can see the battleship lying beneath the water.
You can still see oil leaking from the sunken ship. It comes up in little, infrequent bursts.
Its known as the 'Black Tear'
No bodies were retrieved from the wreck.
The memorial was very beautiful, but incredibly sad.
I would recommend going to see the Pear Harbour Exhibit if you end up on the island of Oahu.
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