Saturday, 14 July 2012

The Tree

Sumi told me about this tree back when I was in Vancouver in Winter.
We didnt visit it then, because of the rain and all that, but I desperately wanted to go climb it.
Yesterday we did the climb.
The photos dont do it justice.
Its a giant sequoia tree and the branches reach out like arms in every direction.
about 3/4 of the way up, there is a massive net hammock someone has constructed for people to sit in, and and a couple of branches up from that there are two swings.

This tree is HUGE, so when you initially look up to see where you have to climb, its pretty overwhelming.
One slip and your out basically.
I made the mistake of wearing the most slippery shoes in the world, pretty much the banana peels of the shoe world, so I did a lot of branch hugging on my way up.

Sumi and I spent just over two hours swinging, climbing, talking and admiring the view of all of downtown and Grouse mountain at sunset.

Its places like this, that only the locals know about, that make travelling so fun.


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